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What Matters to God

What Matters to God

Biblical law is full of rules, and people have so many opinions about what the rules mean and which ones to follow, but what really matters to God when it comes to the Law? Join us in this study by watching the video featured video and reflecting: Reflect -Once you’ve...
All Souls – Bless their hearts

All Souls – Bless their hearts

It is at the wake and funeral that we glimpse into best part of the now faithful departed. These stories reveal that within each of us is the work of God, even if perhaps unfinished. Stories which reveal the love of God poured into the world through everyday people....
Our Attitude Towards Wealth

Our Attitude Towards Wealth

The rich are getting richer, and we are almost beyond surprise at how rich that is. Every day, our newspapers, our televisions, and the internet, report financial compensations that, even just a generation ago, were unimaginable: Corporate executives receiving a...
Praying as we ought

Praying as we ought

“…the Spirit too comes to the aid of our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit itself intercedes with inexpressible groanings. And the one who searches hearts knows what is the intention of the Spirit, because it intercedes for the...