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The Heartbreak of John the Baptist

The Heartbreak of John the Baptist

In today’s Gospel we heard the well-known account of the beheading of John the Baptist. I have to admit, I wonder if John should have played the long game. He didn’t need to call out King Herod. It is not as though Herod was popular with Jewish people. He was thought...
Faith and Refining

Faith and Refining

While the nation celebrates Groundhog Day, we as a church celebrate the Feast of the Presentation as recounted in today’s Gospel. St. Luke’s narration is of the Presentation in the Temple. The presentation that was required 40 days after Jesus’ nativity to...
Persistence Generosity

Persistence Generosity

In the traditional understanding of the parable of “The Sower and Seed,” the focus is often on the soil as a description of our hearts, of our openness to the word of God being sown into our lives. The soil/heart is described as a well-trod path, rocky ground, a...
Discerning Family

Discerning Family

Today’s Gospel is, in its own way, part of a thread in Mark’s gospel in which the nature of the family of God is slowly revealed. In Mark 3:7-12, Jesus is calling and appointing 12 as apostles, the foundation of the family of the Church. In v.21, Jesus’ biological...
Knowing Jesus

Knowing Jesus

“Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” So said Pope Francis on June 15th of last year as part of a papal audience. But it is not original to Pope Francis; he is quoting St. Jerome, the great biblical scholar and translator from the late 4th and early 5th...