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Housing Facts and Figures – Prince William County

Prince William County Housing

Prince William County is experiencing a housing shortage crisis.  As part of the County update to the Comprehensive Plan, the County consultants forecast a shortage of 19,000 housing units if nothing changes in current housing zoning and density policies. VOICE – Did...
Anointed and Sent

Anointed and Sent

“He is not here, for he has been raised just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples”, such is one of the verses before our Gospel reading of this Easter Monday morning. This gives context and meaning to the following...
In the darkness

In the darkness

There have been many Good Fridays in the course of my life. I have heard the Passion narrative. I led the Passion narrative during Good Friday liturgies. Over the many years of Bible study I have covered the Passion narrative more than a few times. In the summer of...