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St. Bernardino of Siena

St. Bernardino of Siena

Today is the feast day of the Franciscan Bernardino of Siena, OFM, (sometimes Bernardine). He was an Italian priest, missionary, and a Catholic saint most noted for his preaching and evangelizing the people of Italy during the 15th century. He is sometimes called “the...
Talking in circles

Talking in circles

If you are following the daily gospels for Mass, you will have noticed that we are relying on Jesus’ Farewell Discourse presented in Chapters 13 through 17. The context is the eve of the crucifixion, and Jesus knows he will be leaving his disciples shortly. In that...
…and they follow me

…and they follow me

The people heard that parishioners from St. Francis in Triangle had gone to St. Fulani to celebrate a Tridentine Rite Mass. And so when they returned they were confronted and asked, “You went to a Tridentine Mass and worshiped with them. How could you be associated...
Last Words, First Things

Last Words, First Things

If you knew this was your last week, your last day on earth, what would you tell the people you love? Would it be advice? Your hopes for them? Would it be the dreams you have? Perhaps, the gratitude and love in your heart?  What would be your last words to the ones...
Moving On

Moving On

Were it not for the Feast of Sts. Philip and James, the first reading for this week-so-far would have recounted the public ministry of St. Stephen. He had been publicly debating with members of a synagogue and apparently it became so animated that Stephen is hauled...