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In today’s first reading we again read from the Revelation. It is an early section in the scripture referred to as Letters to the Churches of Asia (1:4–3:22). Part of today’s text is the Letter to the community of Laodicea. The city was founded by Antiochus II...
Divine Mercy and Compassion

Divine Mercy and Compassion

The gospel today is Luke’s account of the blind man on the roadside who cries out: “Jesus, son of David, have pity on me.” The underlying word is eléos – I don’t know why they translate it as “pity” – the meaning is “to show mercy,” indicating a response roused by an...
Take a Hike!

Take a Hike!

Whether you’re new to hiking or an avid trailblazer, Prince William, VA has a wide variety of scenic hikes to enjoy. Hike through hallowed grounds, challenge your stamina, or enjoy a family-friendly excursion – here are 9 hikes that you won’t want to miss....
Just Because Day

Just Because Day

Many people attribute this saying to St. Francis: “Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words when necessary.” He never said it. In fact, St. Francis was all about words: words to glorify God, words to give praise to God’s works in nature, words for repentance, and...
The Subtle Doctor

The Subtle Doctor

Today is the feast day of Blessed John Duns Scotus, a Franciscan friar from Scotland noted for his theological and philosophical work in the high-Middle Ages (late 13th and early 14th centuries). Scotus’ work was in the generation that followed Thomas of Aquinas and...