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Branch and Fruit

Branch and Fruit

In today’s first reading, the Prophet Isaiah is speaking to the people of Israel in the 8th century before Christ. In earlier verses, he has reminded them of their responsibilities as the qahal Yahweh, the people of God – their duties to the poor, the orphaned,...
Remaining Faithful

Remaining Faithful

Yesterday’s gospel, when combined with the gospel for today, forms the gospel reading from the recent 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time when Jesus and the disciples stand before the awesome sight of the Jerusalem Temple. After having foretold that this man-made temple will...
The Advent Season

The Advent Season

Advent is the liturgical season that precedes and prepares for Christmas. It is a season of hope and of longing, of joyful expectation and of peaceful preparation. Many symbols and traditions are associated with Advent, especially the Advent Wreath with its four...