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Every Man

Every Man

From time to time, my dad would remind me that “every person you meet is your better in that you can learn something from them.” Good and sage advice. I wonder if he knew he was echoing Ralph Waldo Emerson who wrote: “In my walks, every man I meet is my superior in...
When no one is watching

When no one is watching

Today’s first reading from St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians. If one step’s back for “the big picture,” it deals, not so much with a congregation in the city of Ephesus in Asia Minor, but with the worldwide church, the head of which is Christ (Eph 4:15), the purpose...
Living in the Light

Living in the Light

In today’s first reading, believers are reminded to speak “as is fitting among holy ones” and warned with a list of items which are considered “out of place.” Instead, we are admonished to speak words of thanksgiving. This admonition about speaking “as is fitting...
Every Man

One Generation to the Next

The refrain from today’s psalm proclaims: “Your friends make known, O Lord, the glorious splendor of your Kingdom.” The words of psalm are taken from Psalm 145, verses 10-18. The words proclaim the glory of God and the splendor of His Kingdom. They extol the justice,...
2022 Pastoral Council Candidates

2022 Pastoral Council Candidates

Pastoral Council Candidate: Robert Allen Registered at St. Francis:  25 years Experience in Parish ministries/programs: I, along with my wife, have been a Eucharistic Minister for at least 10 years. Why I want to serve: This parish is a very open, welcoming, inclusive...