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Evident to us

Evident to us

Our first reading today is taken from the 1st missionary trip of St. Barnabas and St. Paul. In Acts 13 and 14, the intrepid disciples go from Asia Minor to Cyprus, back to the mainland at Antioch, and other nearby cities. They met success, resistance, and out-and-out...
Feast of St. Athanasius

Feast of St. Athanasius

In today’s gospel, Jesus is asked: “How long are you going to keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.” (John 10:24). I am sure that if among Jesus’ disciples there were folks with marketing and advertising backgrounds, they would have...

Stephen Ministry 2023

Stephen Ministry:  Christ Caring for People through People Stephen Ministers are lay men and women from St Francis, trained through a 50-hour national program. We are not therapists or counselors but caring and empathetic Christians who will listen to you, not judge...
Humility: vice or virtue?

Humility: vice or virtue?

One afternoon in the synagogue, a rabbi was overcome with rapture and threw himself to the ground proclaiming, “Lord, I am nothing!” Not to be bested, the cantor prostrated himself and exclaimed, “Lord, I am nothing!” The temple handyman, working in the back of the...