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Farewell Message from Our Pastor

Farewell Message from Our Pastor

Dear Parishioners, The time has come to say farewell.  This is my last weekend at the parish.  I leave for St. Bonaventure University next weekend and will begin my ministry on campus.  I have already been involved in Zoom meetings with the President of the University...
Feast of St. Bonaventure

Feast of St. Bonaventure

Tomorrow is the Feast of St. Bonaventure (July 15). In many ways St. Bonaventure is a Saint for the times in which we live – when divisions are ripe and the unity of a nation is being sorely tested. In the years while St. Francis was alive, the Franciscan Order...
Joseph’s Revenge

Joseph’s Revenge

In the sequence of first readings for weekday Masses, we have just made a huge leap from Jacob (Gen 28) to the end of the story of Joseph and his brothers (Gen 41). A quick synopsis of the story would include: his brothers, all older, were jealous of Joseph and...


In the first reading, Jacob, having fled from his brother Esau’s wrath, finds himself at a shrine, where he rests for the night, using a stone for a pillow. It is here that a divine revelation comes to Jacob in a dream. Jacob sees a stairway going from earth to the...
The Dog Days

The Dog Days

The expression the “dog days” gives rise to the humid, hot days of summer when we are all just looking for a cool, shaded spot to wait out the sweltering day. I assumed that our canine friends got singled out and tagged with the expression. Turns out it was something...