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Living Gratefully

Living Gratefully

In the first reading, we hear the end of the story of Naaman, a Syrian general, who has just been cured of his leprosy. When Naaman comes to Israel he encounters the prophet, Elisha. Naaman has come bearing all manner of riches and gifts, but Elisha wants none of it....
Destroying People

Destroying People

The first reading today is from the Prophet Jeremiah who was among the last prophets who proclaimed the Word of God to the people of Jerusalem immediately before the city was conquered by Babylon and its residents taken into captivity. Jeremiah had the unenviable task...
The Word Goes Out

The Word Goes Out

The first reading today is from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah and is one of my favorite passages: Just as from the heavens the rain and snow come down and do not return there till they have watered the earth, making it fertile and fruitful, giving seed to the one who...
Into the Presence of God

Into the Presence of God

The first reading today is taken from the Book of Leviticus and is paired with the memorable passage from Matthew 25. Leviticus is likely the least read book of the Old Testament. It is long and seems to be filled with all kinds of arcane information. The opening...