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The Many Faces of Our Mother

The Many Faces of Our Mother

From our first reading: “Many nations shall join themselves to the LORD on that day, and they shall be his people, and he will dwell among you” (Zech 2:15) When I was in Kenya, I remember the first time I saw local artwork portraying Jesus, Mary, and the Holy Family....
The Banquet

The Banquet

The first reading today again comes from the Prophet Isaiah. In yesterday’s post what has been, in times past, promised and announced, comes to fruition as the Promise One is depicted as ruling. In place of the kings from the line of David which proved to be faithless...
The Banquet

Responsible not Privileged

The first reading today again comes from the Prophet Isaiah. At the end of this reflection, there is some background on the prophet and his writings which might prove insightful in this first week of Advent readings. But in today’s reading the messianic hope which...
Giving Testimony

Giving Testimony

The gospel readings so far this week have been from Luke 21, a chapter that is prophetic, apocalyptic, and sometimes seen as Wisdom literature. The context is in the middle of the last week of Jesus’ life. As the disciples are admiring the Jerusalem Temple, Jesus...
Standing Still

Standing Still

The gospel for today tells the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus from the Gospel of Luke. St. Luke is a pretty good story teller. Luke chapter 15 is a wonderful collection of parables about things lost and found: the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son....