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Joseph’s Revenge

Joseph’s Revenge

In the sequence of first readings for weekday Masses, we have just made a huge leap from Jacob (Gen 28) to the end of the story of Joseph and his brothers (Gen 41). A quick synopsis of the story would include: his brothers, all older, were jealous of Joseph and...


In the first reading, Jacob, having fled from his brother Esau’s wrath, finds himself at a shrine, where he rests for the night, using a stone for a pillow. It is here that a divine revelation comes to Jacob in a dream. Jacob sees a stairway going from earth to the...
The Dog Days

The Dog Days

The expression the “dog days” gives rise to the humid, hot days of summer when we are all just looking for a cool, shaded spot to wait out the sweltering day. I assumed that our canine friends got singled out and tagged with the expression. Turns out it was something...
The Dog Days

Dog Days of Summer

The expression the “dog days” gives rise to the humid, hot days of summer when we are all just looking for a cool, shaded spot to wait out the sweltering day. I assumed that our canine friends got singled out and tagged with the expression. Turns out it...
Justice and Freedom

Justice and Freedom

Throughout the Bible, we see a consistent call for justice and the promotion of freedom, both in relation to our relationship with God and our interactions with one another. The pairing of Justice and Freedom seems an appropriate arena in which to reflect here on the...