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Conditions of the Heart

Conditions of the Heart

In a way this is a follow-on from yesterday’s reflection. The first reading again concerns itself with King Solomon. It is part of the dedication of the first Jerusalem Temple (a longer version of which you can read in 2 Chron 6) and, in a way, marks the high point of...
The Temple of the Lord

The Temple of the Lord

Did the first reading for today make you feel like you were dropped into the middle of a movie and you want to lean over to your friend and ask, “What’s going on?” The reading is from the 1st Book of Kings and describes a key event in the history of ancient Israel....


Today’s gospel is, in its own way, part of a thread in Mark’s gospel in which the nature of the family of God is slowly revealed. In Mark 3:7-12, Jesus is calling and appointing 12 as apostles, the foundation of the family of the Church In v.21, Jesus’ biological...
Fear and Trust

Fear and Trust

In today’s gospel we encounter the well-known stories of the Daughter of Jairus and the hemorrhaging woman. In the Gospel of Mark Jesus is closely involved with women nine times. Today’s gospel captures two of those interactions. with two of Jesus’ more moving...
Anxiety and Trust

Anxiety and Trust

This week, in our second reading, Paul simply writes: “I should like you to be free of anxieties.” (1 Cor 7:32).  Seriously, can I get an “Amen” to that? Wouldn’t that be awesome, to have a life without anxieties? In Matthew 6, Jesus tells us not to have anxiety about...