by Fr. George Corrigan OFM | Dec 27, 2020 | From the Pastor, Parish Blog, Weekly-Email
NOTE: Amazon has discontinued the AmazonSmile program described herein as of February 20, 2023 From Amazon: “In 2013, we launched AmazonSmile to make it easier for customers to support their favorite charities. However, after almost a decade, the program has not...
by Fr. George Corrigan OFM | Dec 17, 2020 | Friar Reflection
The gospel for today is the genealogy from Matthew. I have proclaimed this gospel for many years, and truth be told, I can see eyes glaze over a bit, people yawn, shift in their seats. It is certainly not an action-packed narrative. We are familiar with Abraham, Isaac...
by Fr. George Corrigan OFM | Dec 16, 2020 | Friar Reflection
We are familiar with the story of John the Baptist as the herald of the coming Messiah – it is the story that introduces and highlights the Advent season. But Advent’s proclamation of Christmas is not the end of John’s story. He remained a man faithful to God’s...
by Fr. George Corrigan OFM | Dec 15, 2020 | Friar Reflection
We often forget that the season of Advent speaks to the betwixt and between of the Birth of Jesus and his Second Coming. So, we shouldn’t be surprised that our first reading is from the firebrand, no-holds-barred prophet Zephaniah. He makes no bones about it. Judgment...
by Fr. George Corrigan OFM | Dec 14, 2020 | Friar Reflection
Today’s psalm refrain asks: Teach me your ways, O Lord. Did you know that the psalm is chosen as a response to the first reading? In today’s first reading we hear about the pagan prophet Balaam. The reading is from the Book of Numbers, part of the narrative covering...