The first reading is from the Prophet Ezekiel from a larger section known as the “Oracles Against the Nations.” In our reading the charge leveled against the prince of Tyre is simple and direct: you have become arrogant, or as we read “haughty of heart”. The prophet...
Beginning today, Monday, and continuing until August 24th, with the exception of some solemnities, Sundays, feast/memorial celebrations, our first reading is from the Prophet Ezekiel. It is a dense book with lots going on, and it is broken up into bits and bites that...
The image above is a painting, “Finding of the True Cross” by Agnolo Gaddi. It came to mind when preparing for this reflection and as a popular expression came to mind: “that’s their cross to bear.” What that means is that the person must accept an unpleasant...
It is always a tough thing to take an unpopular stand especially when among people you know will not support. Do we shy away from the moment – I mean, why waste time and effort? But what about as a listener? What about when one message is something you agree...
The last of the righteous and faithful kings of Israel, Josiah, died in 609 BC. He was a reforming king who relentlessly called the people of Judah to return to the Lord, be faithful to the covenant, and live righteous lives. Jeremiah was a prophet who echoed Josiah’s...