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God’s Vision

God’s Vision

Jesus responds to the disciples’ question about divorce and marriage in a very direct and clear way. It is a response that goes beyond the tradition in Israel at the time. Jesus looks at us and the world through the eyes of God. To answer the concerns about divorce,...
Teaching On The Way To Jerusalem

Teaching On The Way To Jerusalem

After the Transfiguration takes the road to Jerusalem and his eventual passion, death, and resurrection. Along the way there are no more large crowds, big miracles, or big sermons, rather he concentrates on his last teaching for his disciples. Today’s Gospel reading...
Living or Judging

Living or Judging

Today’s parable shows us a way of looking at our lives and the world that has not really penetrated well into our Christian culture. The fishing nets collects all kinds of fish that eventually have to be separated into those that are edible and non-edible. Jesus said...