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You and Your Generation

You and Your Generation

Jesus looks out on the folks of his generation and see resistance to God’s plan. Even though his presence was announced by the John the Baptist and despite his own presence there, the people resisted God’s action in their lives to save them. They are like a bunch of...
Judgement: Love Your Enemies

Judgement: Love Your Enemies

Today we continue to listen to the Sermon on the Plain from Luke’s Gospel. Now Jesus announces how deep our conversion must go. Look at how we try to justify our hatred of others, and our actions based on that hate. In English the main phrase is translated ‘love your...
Sermon on the Plain-The X-Ray Vision

Sermon on the Plain-The X-Ray Vision

In Luke’s Gospel Jesus begins his public life ministry by going up a mountain to pray and choose his apostles. Then he comes down onto a plain and wades right into the crowd of folks there to begin healing their daily life. After all those healings which demonstrate...
Prayer, Call, and Action

Prayer, Call, and Action

Today in the Gospel of Luke we find Jesus at the beginning of his public ministry. In today’s group organizational theories, he would be organizing his team, setting-up his mission statement, deciding goals, and picking objectives. Instead, we see that Jesus has a...
The Best Seats in the Assembly

The Best Seats in the Assembly

In our Christian assemblies we tend to forget the children. That is except of course the little babies who scream and cry. And to do away with the screamers, we put them in a special room in the back where they cannot be heard or seen! Overall, even the bigger...