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Love Everyone

Love Everyone

Today’s Gospel is truly remarkable. It is part of the Sermon on the Mount which is sort of a life plan from God’s point of view for all Christians. It comes out of Jesus relationship with God the Father. Israel received God’s plan for us from Moses in the form of the...
Despair or a Mother’s Care and Love

Despair or a Mother’s Care and Love

In the first reading today, the Lord sings a beautiful song of compassion and love to Israel through the words of the prophet Isaiah. I answer you. I help you. I keep the covenant. I restore you. I give you green pastures and straight paths. I give you green pastures....


The Word of God in the Old Testament continually proclaimed the coming of the Messiah who would re-establish a right relationship between God and all creation. Many in Israel chose to live out their relationship with God as a simple completion of the rules and rituals...
Jesus Brings All People Together

Jesus Brings All People Together

As human beings, we tend to choose division, to choose our own personal needs over the needs of others and to impose our will on everyone else. This is called the way of sin. We Catholics called that original sin. The devil produces division and separation – division...