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Stephen’s Action and Message

Stephen’s Action and Message

Stephen was a man filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit. He was so alive with the power of the Spirit that he was overwhelming and explosive. He was focused on one thing: sharing the experience of the risen Lord in his life with everyone else around him. His words...
Witnesses of the Resurrection

Witnesses of the Resurrection

Mary Magdalen and the other disciples had experienced the death and burial of Jesus as a tragic moment in their lives. All their hopes and plans had been crushed in a most cruel way from one day to the next. One day they entered the city with Jesus as a new king...
A Life Changing Experience

A Life Changing Experience

There are moments in life that change us for the better or for the worst forever. They change our whole outlook on life and even our way of living – such as a serious sickness or near-death experience, love, studies, people from different countries or religion, a...
Being Guided by Faith

Being Guided by Faith

Joseph is kind of a forgotten figure in the history of salvation. This was sort of planned so that God can be seen as the true Father of Jesus throughout the Gospel. Joseph is not mentioned often in the Gospel. There are very few Christmas carols about Joseph. The...