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Mary and Genealogy – Family

Mary and Genealogy – Family

Cusco was the capital of Peru at the time of the Incas when the Spanish arrived. For the Incas Cusco was the center of the universe. In 1539, the Spanish began construction of the church dedicated to the “triumph” that would eventually become the cathedral. “Triumph”,...
Put Out into Deeper Waters

Put Out into Deeper Waters

Another day in the life of Jesus at the beginning of his public ministry. Jesus is preaching to a large crowd at the beach on the lake. When he finishes preaching, he tells Peter and his fellows to: Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch. Peter and...
Stay Awake – Be Vigilante

Stay Awake – Be Vigilante

It is easy to get off the track in life and even to get lost. It is easy to forget who we are and where we are going and what is the purpose of our life. Now a days we can consciously or unconsciously numb ourselves to life’s difficulties and pains through so many...
Invited to the Wedding Feast

Invited to the Wedding Feast

Today’s Gospel parable is proclaimed to the elders and chief priests, in a formal sense the most religious people of Israel’s society, the ones who had dedicated their lives to study the Old Testament and its laws, rules, and regulations. The parable is about the...