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Jesus is the Only Center

Jesus is the Only Center

Today we have a collection of saying and incidents in Jesus’ life that help us to focus on a true and good relationship with Jesus as the center of all things in our lives. There are many reasons to look to Jesus or to want to follow his way. Conversion, living free...
Herod and His Circus

Herod and His Circus

Probably the most important characteristic of a true disciple is the capacity to listen. Hearing and seeing alone are not enough. Listening is having the disposition to conform oneself to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and the will of God. This...
Men and Women on the Road with Jesus

Men and Women on the Road with Jesus

The resurrection is central in the life of each Christian. That is why Paul in the first reading says there is no Christian life without the resurrection. The resurrection is not a theoretical possibility for Paul; it is not something that may happen after we die and...