by Fr. Chris Dunn OFM | Nov 16, 2022 | Friar Reflection
This is the last week of the Church’s liturgical year. This coming Sunday we celebrate the last Sunday of the year with the feast of Christ the King. Over this week and into the first weeks of Advent, the Word of God focuses on our Christian response to the end times...
by Fr. Chris Dunn OFM | Nov 10, 2022 | Friar Reflection
As humans we tend to like to mark off the beginnings or endings of things: times, seasons – even life. I remember in June counting the days to the end of school and then in counting off the days to the end of Summer. For the friars the novitiate is one year and a day....
by Fr. Chris Dunn OFM | Nov 2, 2022 | Friar Reflection
Today we remember all our family, friends, and our brothers and sisters in Christ who have died. For many, this is the first day that we have been able to gather together as a community for this remembrance after the COVID pandemic. Many people died during that time –...
by Fr. Chris Dunn OFM | Oct 28, 2022 | Friar Reflection
Life can be difficult sometimes and often we feel like strangers to ourselves while we attempt to live our lives. There is a book written about the life of poor native farmers in the mountain area of northern Peru during the early part of the 1900s. It describes a...
by Fr. Chris Dunn OFM | Oct 20, 2022 | Friar Reflection
At first glance Jesus’ words today are disturbing and even seem contrary our general image of a peace-loving, sweet-sounding Jesus. Fire produces change – deep, profound changes. In many ecosystems fire is necessary to produce new life, germinate seed, change static...