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Faith and Hope in Mission

Faith and Hope in Mission

Today we celebrate the feast of St. John Henry Newman. When I was studying biology in college, the Catholic communities on secular universities were called the Newman Clubs after John Henry Newman. The Catholic chaplain at my college had a dog whose name was John...
Creative Service

Creative Service

Today we celebrate the feast of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, first person born in the USA to be recognized as a saint. She was a wife, mother, widow, convert, founder of a religious order, and founder of the parochial school system in the USA. With faith she lived...
O Radiant Dawn

O Radiant Dawn

Jesus Christ comes to illuminate our lives with a new vision that remakes all of us. Today’s OH antiphon reminds of the need for a new light that all of us have inside our hearts and souls. Today’s first reading also expressed the joy one feels at the anticipation of...