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The Feast of St. Clare of Assisi

The Feast of St. Clare of Assisi

To understand Clare and also Francis, we must look at the Middle Ages – from the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 to the 1300s. During the Middle Ages, along with most of the rest of society, the Church became stagnant. This is a quick & simple generalization of...
Tears of Grief – Tears of Faith

Tears of Grief – Tears of Faith

Mary Magdalena went to Jesus’ tomb with the intention of finishing the cleaning and embalming of Jesus’ cadaver. I am sure she walked to the tomb crying and carrying all that she needed to attend to death. In the dark of the early morning, she finds the stone to the...
The Heart of Christian Life

The Heart of Christian Life

This week in the reading from the Old Testament, we have been listening to the message of Hosea. Israel had entered a time of relative prosperity and forgot its covenant relationship with God. They organized their social and political life without taking into...
Trust – A Brand Plucked from the Fire

Trust – A Brand Plucked from the Fire

Life is full of surprises – happy, sad, or terrifying. Some of the surprises are the result of how we have organized our own lives, like the sad socio-political situation in Israel in the prophet Amos’ times. Others seem to come out of nowhere, like the sudden storm...