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The Conversion

The Conversion

The Word of God constantly calls us to conversion and to renew our lives and the public witness of faith. Jesus uses parables to perplex us and call us to deepen our relationship with God and our neighbor. Once again Jesus insists that an inescapable moment of...
Living in the Midst of Tares – Evil

Living in the Midst of Tares – Evil

Jesus uses the parable of the good wheat and the tares to explain the Kingdom of God and the presence of evil. Today we hear the explanation of the parable. The parable is a bit disturbing. In fact, it is so disturbing and unexpected that the disciples insisted that...
Unrepentance and Conversion

Unrepentance and Conversion

We have been hearing of Jesus’ activities in the towns along the Sea of Galilee – preaching, teaching, and mighty deeds. In the Gospel Jesus’s marvelous deeds accompany his preaching and clearly show to all who he is – the Messiah. Yet as we see in today’s...
Healing Encounter and Rejection

Healing Encounter and Rejection

You probably have noticed a dramatic shift in the Matthew’s Gospel over the last week. We have passed a turning point in Matthew’s Gospel. We have moved from the proclamation of the Sermon on the Mount to action – theoretical teaching to visible reality. We see...