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Healing and Rejection

Healing and Rejection

What an amazing story in today’s Gospel reading. What a challenge for us all. Jesus crosses to the far side of the Sea of Galilee which at the time was not part of Israel. Jesus goes out into this alien territory full of foreigners and pagans far from the people of...
Light and Future

Light and Future

The combination of these two very short parables is absolutely astounding. With these two simple, succinct teachings, Jesus outlines for us our mission as Christians and our future before God. Both of these teachings come with an added injunction from Jesus to pay...


Jesus spent a lot of time talking about love, especially in the Gospel of John. His actions, healings, meetings, and miracles are aimed at showing God’s love. So, when he is not talking about love, he is acting on love and showing us love in action. Even though we...
The Law

The Law

Natural religiosity is a way of relating to God based on sacrifice, rigid observance of rules, judging others, and external signs of holiness. For many people in Israel their relationship with God had degenerated into the external forms and minimalistic observance of...
Sharing Our Faith Experiences

Sharing Our Faith Experiences

Today’s Gospel gives us insight into who Jesus is, the importance for us to maintain faith’ and our mission to announce that faith. In the times of Jesus leprosy was a terrible disease. It brought a physical, spiritual, and social death. The people sick with leprosy...