In today’s Gospel we see the disciple’s reaction to Jesus’ encounter and dialog with the rich young man. The young man proclaims that he has good faith and a good practice of that faith. After Jesus calls him to give up his material goods and give them to the poor as...
The scribes and pharisees taught based on the authority of their teachers, tracing the tradition of their teaching all the way back to Moses. Today the scribes come to Jesus with what they considered a trick question. They wanted to trip him up publicly so that they...
Personal conversion is central in today’s readings. All of the injunctions against sins, against leading others astray, against centering our lives on material goods and power, against continuance in sinful lives while presuming the forgiveness of God are all summed...
What an amazing story in today’s Gospel reading. What a challenge for us all. Jesus crosses to the far side of the Sea of Galilee which at the time was not part of Israel. Jesus goes out into this alien territory full of foreigners and pagans far from the people of...
The combination of these two very short parables is absolutely astounding. With these two simple, succinct teachings, Jesus outlines for us our mission as Christians and our future before God. Both of these teachings come with an added injunction from Jesus to pay...