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Unconditional Love

In today’s Gospel, Jesus goes on specifying what He means by love. For Him, love is a free gift, a generous donation. Giving life implies an inner detachment, unlimited generosity, and total solidarity. This love has been the experience of many men and women of...

The Challenge of Love: Service

Even though we are in the fourth week of the Easter season, today’s gospel passage takes us back to the night when Jesus ate and drank with His friends and prepared them for the new Passover. There is no mention of the blessing of bread and wine. Instead, Jesus gives...

Learning Process

There is a saying that perhaps you have already heard: “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” In other words, when we are told how to do things, we will forget sooner if not later. When we are taught how to do things, we may...

Faith and Action

The binomial used by John in the passage we have in today’s Gospel is interesting.  Have you noticed that he says: “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever disobeys the Son will not have it.”? Therefore, it is not enough to believe, but it is...

Questions and/or Answers

It is curious that these days we have come across questions such as: Who are you looking for? What are you talking about? What happened? Why are you scared? Why so many doubts? These questions reveal the fear, doubt and uncertainty of the disciples. Possibly these...