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The Art of Following

Today’s passage for Matthew provides useful material for reflection upon the nature of ministry of Jesus and of the church as well. Jesus calls Matthew to follow Him, yet Jesus follows Matthew and the sinners to the table. So, it should be with the ministry of the...

The Higher Law is Love

After Jesus said that He has come to fulfill the Law and not abolish it in yesterday’s Gospel, He goes on to point out concrete cases. The first refers to the command “you should not kill.” One evening a TV executive was eating dinner with his family. During the meal,...

The Christ is the Son of David

In many parts of the Gospel the most significant groups of Judaism from the time of Jesus (Pharisees, scribes, Sadducees) ask and Jesus answers. Yesterday’s Gospel was one of them. Today we hear that it is Jesus’ turn to ask. While Jesus was in the temple, He...


I LOVE YOU! Have you ever thought why these three words are so powerful that they could make or break a relationship? I LOVE YOU! Three words that we all say to those we love. What is really in this phrase? It is like a magic phrase. Those words could make someone to...

It Changes, Everything Changes

Life is constantly changing. Today we hear that Paul, Aquila, Priscilla, and the disciples of Jesus had to adjust to changes in their lives. We too face and adjust to changes. Obviously, we have all faced rough times over the last years with the Coronavirus crisis....