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What a mystery human freedom is!

What a mystery human freedom is!

Today, we contemplate Jesus talking about the people of certain towns of Galilee (Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum) where He had preached and performed miracles. These towns had also been a cause of great concerned to Him. Why? The sowing had been plentiful but the...

To Be Compassionate like Mary

Today is Our Lady of Sorrows feast day. According to Tradition, Mary suffered seven sorrows in her life: 1) the prophecy of Simeon, 2) the flight into Egypt, 3) the loss of the child Jesus in the Temple, 4) the encounter with Jesus carrying the Cross, 5) the standing...

Lord Make me an Instrument of Your Peace

There is a chapter of the TV show the “Simpsons” in which Bart befriends a Muslim boy and Homero, Bart’s father, conditioned by the prejudices of society is suspect of the Middle East Muslim family because of their migrant status. In short, the episode highlights the...

Into Deeper Waters

Just as if it were yesterday, Jesus calls us to cast our “nets” into a sea that seems empty but is full of “fish” to be “caught.” Jesus said to Peter, “Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.” Peter and his friends were experienced fishermen. They...

Bringing Enough Oil

Today we celebrate the feast of Saint Monica. She is known to be the patron saint for married women, difficult marriages, disappointing children, victims of adultery or unfaithfulness, victims of abuse, and conversion of relatives. We know her best as the mother of...