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Jesus Prays

Jesus Prays

In today’s Gospel Jesus continues the prayer he began in yesterday’s Gospel.  Jesus began his prayer yesterday with praise of God, his heavenly Father: “Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and said, ‘Father, the hour has come.  Give glory to your son, so that your son may...
The Advocate

The Advocate

In today’s Gospel Jesus promises to send “the Advocate,” that is the holy Spirit.  The Greek word John used here is Parakletos (Paraclete).  Sometimes this Greek word is translated as Advocate as here but elsewhere as Comforter.  Jesus also refers to himself as an...


Today’s Gospel reading continues this past Sunday’s Gospel.  John 14 is Jesus’ Farewell Discourse.  He tells his disciples that he is going away but that he will always be with them to guide them.  The disciples have sorrow and perhaps even despair as they hear of...
Word of Exhortation

Word of Exhortation

In today’s first reading we hear Paul preaching in the synagogue in Antioch of Pisidia.  Much like our Eucharist, this synagogue service begins with the “reading of the law and the prophets.”  Paul is then invited to preach, that is to give a “word of exhortation.” ...
God Made Me Do It

God Made Me Do It

Why would you do such a thing?  This question was put to Peter in today’s first reading.  What did Peter do?  “You entered the house of uncircumcised people and ate with them.” (Acts 11:3).  Some Jewish Christians (“circumcised believers”) were aghast that Peter would...