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Persecuted Prophets

Persecuted Prophets

In today’s readings we hear of two persecuted prophets, Jeremiah and Jesus.  Both are not only persecuted but threatened with death.  Jeremiah is a reluctant but faithful prophet.  When God calls him, he protests: God: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,...
Freedom and Truth

Freedom and Truth

In today’s Gospel Jesus teaches us the true meaning of freedom and truth.  His words are simple but profound: “If you remain in my word, you will be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  His words are profound because he...
Word of God

Word of God

Each Sunday we hear the Word of God, the Sacred Scripture.  The first reading is usually taken from the Old Testament, the second reading is usually a reading from a letter of St. Paul and there is always a reading from a Gospel.  We stand for the proclamation of the...
New Heavens and Earth

New Heavens and Earth

It has been said that a prophet is someone who “comforts the disturbed and disturbs the comfortable.”  This saying describes well both Isaiah in our first reading and Jesus in today’s Gospel.  Isaiah “comforts the disturbed,” Israel suffering in Exile in Babylon.  The...
The Voice of God

The Voice of God

The prophet Jeremiah in today’s first reading calls us to hear the Voice of God.  Jeremiah becomes God’s mouthpiece, speaking the very words of God: “Listen to my voice; then I will be your God and you shall be my people.” Today’s reading is taken from Jeremiah’s...