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By the Rivers of Babylon

By the Rivers of Babylon

Today’s Responsorial Psalm is the heart wrenching lament: “By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion.”  The cause of this great lament in described in the first reading from the book of Kings, the Babylonian Exile.  The city of Jerusalem (Zion)...
False Prophets

False Prophets

In today’s Gospel Jesus continues his Sermon on the Mount.  In his Sermon Jesus teaches what it means to be his disciple and what we as his disciples are called to do.  At the beginning of his Sermon, he defined his disciples as those who are “poor in spirit, humble,...
Where is God?

Where is God?

Where do we look to find God?  Sometimes we expect to find God only in the spectacular and stupendous such as the parting of the Red Sea or Jesus walking on the waters during a violent storm.  In today’s first reading Elijah needs to learn he can find God not just in...
Greater Righteousness

Greater Righteousness

In today’s Gospel Jesus calls us to a “greater righteousness.”  The word “righteousness” in Matthew’s Gospel means knowing and doing the will of God.  We pray for righteousness in the Our Father: “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done.”  God’s Kingdom and God’s...
Mercy of God

Mercy of God

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.  This feast and today’s readings ask us to focus on the love and mercy of God.  St. Paul speaks in today’s second reading of the “inscrutable riches of Christ.”  In the previous chapter Paul has...