The key question in today’s Gospel is about forgiveness and who has the authority and the power to forgive sins. Some of the Jewish scribes maintain: “Who but God alone can forgive sins?” Jesus has just healed a paralytic lowered before him by his four friends:...
Jesus is one of us! Our first reading proclaims this perhaps surprising and even shocking message. Jesus, the Son of God, is one of us, our “flesh and blood.” He shared not only the life that every human experiences but also, the death from which no one can...
God wants to speak to us, are we listening? Today’s first reading from Hebrews proclaims how God has spoken to us in the Old Testament and now speaks to us in a unique way in Jesus Christ. “In times past, God spoke in partial and various ways to our ancestors through...
Both the Gospel of John and the Epistles of John focus us clearly on the essential elements of our religious life, namely faith and love. In the Gospel we have the core of the Gospel or the Gospel within the Gospel in the famous passage John 3:16. “For God so loved...
Our culture has reduced the Christmas season to one day, the 25th, and even more so that one day has been reduced to one or two hours for opening presents and eating a meal. Then for most families the celebration is all over. We have lost a lot in the reduction and...