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God’s Vision

by Aug 16, 2024Friar Reflection

Jesus responds to the disciples’ question about divorce and marriage in a very direct and clear way. It is a response that goes beyond the tradition in Israel at the time. Jesus looks at us and the world through the eyes of God. To answer the concerns about divorce, he goes back to God’s intention in the time of creation: love, unity, and communion. His answer is not so much an anti-divorce catechesis as a return to the origins and intention of God. God’s intension is love and communion. Marriage is a sign and reflection of God’s constant, unending love for all.

Jesus says the personal concerns, personal priorities, egoism, selfishness, and hardness of heart, lead couples into disunion where they eventually look for a separation and divorce. Divorce and separation are a common form of life in our culture – disposable husbands, disposable wives. Our culture does not know how to negotiate, compromise, forgive, or the value of common life. Linear polygamy is an acceptable way of life now in our culture – that is over one lifetime having multiple ex-spouses and children from multiple spouses. The lack of stability produces deficits in the human development of the children and the parents. It also predisposes a whole generation towards a lack of confidence and faith in God and in life in general.

The mission of a married couple and a Catholic family is very important now. Many people have never seen or known a couple who have maintained a stable relationship for many years. The mission of a married couple to make present to all those around them a sign of communion and union.

So, they are no longer two, but one flesh.
