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Meeting of Joy and Blessing

by May 31, 2024Friar Reflection

What is the most important thing in your life? What is the main guide in our life? Those are very big questions that we often do not take time to answer. Most people tend to center their lives on themselves and getting the things that they want out of life.

Mary and Elizabeth are two women who are not centered on themselves. They are focused on the will of God. Their lives are centered on what God wants them to do in his salvation plan for the whole world. Whether one is younger, like Mary, or older, like Elizabeth, being a mother is a big mission in life. Mary believed that God could be present and work in her life. She wanted to be part of God’s plan. So, she was able to lay aside all her desires and plans to serve God’s plan. Mary is so filled with a desire to serve that while she is pregnant, she goes to visit her cousin Elizabeth. This is not just a visit to share tea or chitchat or news. This is a visit for service. Mary runs to her cousin’s house to help Elizabeth during the time or her pregnancy.

Here we see that service, faith, confidence, and belief produce a deep sense of joy. When Mary arrives, Elizabeth bursts into a prayer of blessing. Even John the Baptist who is still in the womb jumps for joy. Then Mary also proclaims her strong faith as she greets Elizabeth. Both of their songs or greeting of blessing are forms of proclaiming their faith. They are helping and encouraging each other when each one is going through a difficult moment in life.

Selfishness, self-centeredness, meanness, and laziness tend to produce isolation and sadness in us all. Joy comes from uniting our life to God’s salvation plan. Our mission as Christians is to serve others.

Most blessed are you among women…

Blessed are you who believed
