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On the Back Porch

Reading, pondering and studying God’s Word is sometimes best done “on the back porch.” Each week we will try to offer something for you and your “back porch time.”

The 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B

What We Celebrate

Our gospel is taken from the beginning of the Gospel of Mark when the public ministry of Jesus begins with his teaching in the synagogue in Capernaum. Having just attracted disciples, we might well assume that Jesus has begun to teach them, but there is no indication that has begun. The first indication we receive is when we read: “Then they came to Capernaum, and on the sabbath he entered the synagogue and taught.” (v.21) We are not told the content of the teaching. We might assume it was based on a reading from Scripture as described in Luke 4:16 and following. However, the disciples and the people present witnessed were witnesses of how he taught (“with authority”), and what effect his powerful teaching had (people are “astonished” and “amazed”). The “amazed” bystanders acknowledge the teacher’s authority, yet they still have to ask: “What is this?” (v. 27).

And they have yet to see a demonstration of the power of his authority. Suddenly there “was a man with an unclean spirit.”

There is a lot more to this gospel. Sit with it for a moment on the back porch.

Full Text of the Sunday Readings

Detailed Commentary on the Gospel

Image credit: Jesus in the Synagogue, unknown artist, Vatican News Service | Public Domain


Unclean Spirits

This gospel reading is the first of several during which Jesus will encounter “unclean spirits,” “demons,” “Satan,” and other names for the evil spirit in the world. The storyline of the Bible presents a populated spiritual world, full of creatures who are in rebellion against their Creator, just like humans. For lots of fascinating reasons, our modern conceptions of the Satan and demons are based on serious misunderstandings of the Bible. So let’s go back to the book of Genesis and start over as we learn about the powers of spiritual evil in the story of the Bible.