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The Kingdom of God – Today at the Table Feast

by Nov 7, 2023Friar Reflection

Jesus often participated in table fellowship feasts and often uses the image of a feast to describe life with God. Today one of the people who was with Jesus at a dinner celebration exclaims:

Blessed is the one who will dine in the Kingdom of God

It is surprising to me that Jesus does not immediately agree with that exclamation. If we look at what was said and at Jesus’ response, we can see a deeper meaning.

First, the participant in the dinner uses the future tense. He is overcome with enthusiasm in the moment of the experience of the dinner. He is probably well-educated, well-trained in the Word of God, and well-intentioned. But he sees the Kingdom of God as a future moment or future possibility or a future event, separated from his daily life. Jesus Christ, the hope of all the ages, was sitting right there at the same table with him. The Kingdom of God, which he said was his hope, was right there with him. He was right in the middle of the Kingdom of God without realizing it. He missed it all. With so much religious preparation, so much studying the Word of God, so much tradition, so much good intention, and so much enthusiasm, that man seems to be a fool who lost everything.

Secondly, the parable places that well-intentioned, enthusiastic person (and us) among the folks who did not really respond to the invitation to the feast. Those who did not respond had good intentions of going and at the same time good reasons for not being able to attend, principally social obligations and business concerns. No one says: Sorry, I cannot attend. I have a robbery planned for the same time. They all have good excuses for putting off the invitation. With so much religious preparation, so much studying the Word of God, so much tradition, so much good intention, and so much enthusiasm, that man is seen as a fool who lost everything.

God has everything prepared for us. Everything that we need to live well. A huge feast, a life beyond our imagination. Today’s Gospel is an invitation to be part of that feast. The invitation is for today. A true Christian lives today as the day of conversion, the one day of the feast in the Kingdom of God.
