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by Aug 4, 2023Friar Reflection

The gospel passage Matthew 13:54-58 offers a profound reflection on the nature of assumptions and the limitations they impose on our understanding and beliefs. In this passage, Jesus returns to his hometown, and the people there are astonished by his wisdom and miraculous works. However, instead of embracing him as the Messiah, they respond with skepticism and disbelief, saying, “Where did this man get such wisdom and mighty deeds?” After all, wasn’t he just the son of a carpenter? They knew his family. At this point, perhaps it is an honest question? Maybe for some, but we finally read, “And they took offense at him.

The Tampa Bay area has always been a hotbed of baseball. Here is a short list of major league stars from the region: Dwight Gooden, Fred McGiff, Tony La Russa, Dave Madagan, Tino Martinez, Lou Piniella, Gary Sheffield. When they arrived at the major leagues no one ever said, “Where and when did he get all that talent?” Most of them grew up playing in the West Tampa Little League and were high school stars. Most people offer, “I knew they were gonna’ make the bigs!”

There was no “little league” for Jesus. So, when he arrived in Galilee with “wisdom and mighty deeds” the people made assumptions based on their prior knowledge and familiarity with Jesus’ family and upbringing. They could not reconcile the ordinary background of Jesus with the extraordinary teachings and deeds they witnessed. Their assumptions acted as a mental barrier, preventing them from seeing Jesus for who he truly was – the Son of God.

This story serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of assumptions. As human beings, we tend to rely on our preconceived notions, past experiences, and cultural conditioning to interpret the world around us. While this cognitive process is essential for navigating everyday life, it can lead us astray when it comes to understanding deeper spiritual truths or encountering extraordinary events.

Assumptions can close us off from new insights and prevent us from recognizing the divine presence in unexpected forms. Moreover, the passage also highlights the importance of faith and trust in God’s plan. Despite the skepticism and disbelief of his fellow townspeople, Jesus did not perform many miracles there because of their lack of faith.

Perhaps one of our assumptions or doubts is hindering the working of divine grace in our lives.

Image credit: Pexels