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The Conversion

by Aug 3, 2023Friar Reflection

The Word of God constantly calls us to conversion and to renew our lives and the public witness of faith. Jesus uses parables to perplex us and call us to deepen our relationship with God and our neighbor.

Once again Jesus insists that an inescapable moment of judgment is approaching for all. All types of fish live together in the lake and all will be caught up in the Kingdom of God. Just as there is a time of separation of fish from useful and useless, good and bad, edible and inedible, so there will be a time of judgment in the Kingdom of God. The community of Christian faith does not fear that moment nor live with terror of the pending trial, nor condemns another. Thanks to the preaching of Jesus, the Christian community knows the way to pass into the presence of God.

Each of us is the “learned scribe” in the parable who constantly pulls new and old things out of the storehouse. We constantly renew our relationship with God, our conversion. The Word of God and our Catholic traditions speak to us constantly throughout our lives. Each stage of our life or moment in history has different temptations, challenges, and opportunities. The Word guides us and calls us to a deeper, more public witness to our faith. The treasure of the Word leads us to that final moment.

This parable calls us to reflect on our personal conversion at the particular stage of life and our public witness as a Christian community at this moment in history.
