The scribes and pharisees taught based on the authority of their teachers, tracing the tradition of their teaching all the way back to Moses. Today the scribes come to Jesus with what they considered a trick question. They wanted to trip him up publicly so that they...
Personal conversion is central in today’s readings. All of the injunctions against sins, against leading others astray, against centering our lives on material goods and power, against continuance in sinful lives while presuming the forgiveness of God are all summed...
In today’s Gospel one of Jesus’ disciples, John, wants to protect his “tuft” and restrict where and how God can work: “Teacher, we saw someone driving out demons in your name, and we tried to prevent him because he does not follow us.” Acting like he is protecting...
…You know, you have to buy a ticket to win…just saying… Take a chance! For $5 a ticket you can have the possibility of winning one of 4 new 2025 vehicles similar to the ones shown. And that’s not all! There are also 21 cash prizes available...
Here in the Northern Virginia area many of our parishioners are under a considerable amount of anxiety and uncertainty due to the efforts of the current administration’s efforts on “government efficiency” (DOGE). This vale of worry affects federal sector employees,...