In our Christian assemblies we tend to forget the children. That is except of course the little babies who scream and cry. And to do away with the screamers, we put them in a special room in the back where they cannot be heard or seen! Overall, even the bigger...
This encounter with Jesus that Peter and his companions had must have been quite shocking. They were professional fishermen. They knew all the tricks about fishing: how to fish, where to fish, and when to fish. Yet all their human experience, knowledge, labor and...
We are all aware of the divisions in our modern society. There are divisions and polarization not only in the political but also in the religious sphere. Perhaps surprisingly this is nothing new. We hear in today’s first reading that Paul must deal with divisions...
Today’s first reading from St. Paul is part of a cohesive thought that he has been building upon since the beginning of this 1st Letter to the Corinthians (which began with Friday’s readings and continues for about three weeks.) It all began after Paul left the...
In today’s Gospel Jesus does something you and I do each Sunday. Jesus went to worship his Heavenly Father on the Sabbath. He read from the Word of God and preached a noticeably short homily. The synagogue service began with Hymns and Psalms. Then there was a...