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The True Cross

The True Cross

The image above is a painting, “Finding of the True Cross” by Agnolo Gaddi. It came to mind when preparing for this reflection and as a popular expression came to mind: “that’s their cross to bear.” What that means is that the person must accept an unpleasant...
The Outsider

The Outsider

In today’s Gospel a woman asks for compassion and mercy and Jesus answers not a word.  She is an “outsider,” a Canaanite woman seeking Jesus’ help: “Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David!  My daughter is tormented by a demon.”  Matthew describes Jesus’ response this...
An Unpopular Stand

An Unpopular Stand

It is always a tough thing to take an unpopular stand especially when among people you know will not support. Do we shy away from the moment – I mean, why waste time and effort? But what about as a listener? What about when one message is something you agree...