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Nothing Borrowed

Nothing Borrowed

A world of information, expert advice, and knowledge all sit at our fingertips. With all that available to us via a simple query or the use of artificial intelligence such as Chat GPT, we should have plenty of answers to our questions. But will the answers carry...


In today’s first reading Paul greets the Corinthians with these words: “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”  The words of this greeting are also used as one of the greetings at the beginning of mass: Priest: “Grace to you and peace...
The Woes

The Woes

This is the week of “woes” as we listen to the reading of Matthew’s 23rd chapter. In English woe means sadness or distress. Seven times Jesus judges and rebukes the pharisees by saying sadness on you. In Spanish the translation is simply an emotional exclamation, not...


In today’s Gospel Jesus continues his denunciation of the scribes and the Pharisees.  These along with the Sadducees were the religious leaders at the time of Jesus.  At the time of the writing of Matthew’s Gospel (around 85 A.D.) the Pharisees were the main religious...