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Meeting of Joy and Blessing

Meeting of Joy and Blessing

What is the most important thing in your life? What is the main guide in our life? Those are very big questions that we often do not take time to answer. Most people tend to center their lives on themselves and getting the things that they want out of life. Mary and...
Aliens and Sojourners

Aliens and Sojourners

Last week I traveled to a cemetery close to Boston for the burial of a friend. Then I took advantage of the long holiday weekend to visit my hometown and family in the Adirondack Mountains. Spring is a time of explosive life in the mountains: new growth on the trees,...
Glory or Humility

Glory or Humility

The disciples, perhaps like most of us, tend to “half-hear” what Jesus is teaching.  In today’s Gospel, for example, Jesus teaches that his way is the way of humility, the way of the Cross: “Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be handed...
So Great a Gift

So Great a Gift

Following from yesterday’s readings, today we continue with Peter’s first letter. Previously, Peter had challenged believers to experience the joy of such a great faith. His admonishment was to be attentive to the faith received that is more precious than gold. Be...
Refining Gold

Refining Gold

Our opening reading today is from the 1st Letter of Peter. In just two short verses, the author provides a summary of the main themes and an outline of the whole letter: (1) God gave us a new birth, (2) this birth leads to a hope, (3) which is based on Jesus’...