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About Wickedness

About Wickedness

The first reading today is the story of King Saul of Israel, jealous of David’s rising popularity and fame, is trying to hunt down the young David and kill him, lest David become the king by popular demand. In the realm of power politics, David has his chance there in...
Son of God

Son of God

In today’s Gospel the unclean spirits call out to Jesus, “You are the Son of God.”  Somewhat surprisingly Jesus commands them not to make him known.  The title of this Gospel is, “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God.” (Mark 1:1).  The title...
About Temptation

About Temptation

Today is the Memorial of St. Anthony the Abbot and the readings for the celebration are taken from the Memorial rather than the daily reading. St. Anthony lived during the third century and for a period survived as a wandering hermit in the Egyptian wilderness....
The Law and the Savior

The Law and the Savior

The Word of God comes to us today to show us how easy it is for us to limit our conversion and judgments based on rigid interpretations of the law. We rigidly obey the rule of the law but not the heart of the law. We use the law as an instrument of war to judge, harm,...
New and Old

New and Old

Many of us have grown up with traditions such as mass in Latin and fish on Friday.  While these traditions were good and nourishing in their time and place, they never were intended to be the core of our faith although we can understand why some people cling to these...