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Responsible not Privileged

Responsible not Privileged

The first reading today again comes from the Prophet Isaiah. At the end of this reflection, there is some background on the prophet and his writings which might prove insightful in this first week of Advent readings. But in today’s reading the messianic hope which...
Lord, I Am Not Worthy!

Lord, I Am Not Worthy!

The words of the Centurion in today’s Gospel are words that are very familiar to us.  While he desires Jesus to heal his servant, the Centurion objects: “Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof; only say the word and my servant will be healed.”  We...
The Kingdom of God is Among You

The Kingdom of God is Among You

Where is the kingdom of God? Where is God’s reign? Where is heaven? When will God’s kingdom start? What will be the signs? Most people respond to those questions with answers that refer to something outside of themselves, something spectacular, a long time in the...