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Glory to God

Glory to God

Can we trust God or is God fickle?  St. Paul tells us in today’s first reading that “… the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable.”  In this section of Romans (chapters 9-11), Paul has been reflecting on the rejection of Jesus by most of his fellow Jews.  This...
Love and Law

Love and Law

In the Old Testament the sabbath was the Lord’s Day, a day of resting in the Lord. It was a day centered on renewing one’s relationship with God. Work was specifically not allowed. There are 39 types of activities prohibited on the sabbath by the Old Testament. The...
All Souls

All Souls

In today’s first reading we hear the comforting words, “The souls of the just are in the hand of God, and no torment shall touch them.  Death is a great mystery that each of us must face.  When someone close to us dies it is quite natural and human to feel emptiness...
Blessed are you…

Blessed are you…

Who are the saints of God?  Paul often refers to the members of the community addressed in his letters as “saints,” “holy one” or “called to be holy” (Philippians 1:1; Romans 1:6).  You and I, through our baptism, have become “holy ones” or saints.  This is both who...