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Tarshish and Vegas

Tarshish and Vegas

Today’s first reading is from the Book of Jonah, one of my favorites. It is about our calling, our mission in life, our choices, and the unintended consequences for others. The Lord called Jonah to go to preach repentance to the Assyrian capital city of Nineveh, the...
We have so much…

We have so much…

When I was a year or two short of being a full-fledged teenager, I was invited to attend my first funeral. It was not a Catholic funeral – and as I came to know – nothing like a Catholic funeral. It was a fundamentalist, born-again, raucous affair for a person who by...
Being Sent – Living on the Road

Being Sent – Living on the Road

Jesus sends out teams of two who have the mission to prepare the towns for his visit – 36 teams. This is also our mission in life: to prepare those around us for an encounter with Jesus. The mission is very specific and well defined. When I went to Peru on...
One Personal Conversion

One Personal Conversion

Francis had what today we would call a primary school education. He had studied enough at the local parish school to know how to read, write, add, and subtract to be able to work in his family’s cloth business. He embraced all the cultural norms and practices of his...