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Today we celebrate the Feast of the Nativity or birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Today’s Gospel tells the story of the nativity or birth of Jesus: “This is how the birth (genesis) of Jesus Christ came about.”  Matthew connects the birth of Jesus with the first book...


Today we begin reading from the Letter of St. Paul to the “holy ones and faithful brothers and sisters in Christ in Colossae.”  This letter begins with a Eucharist or Thanksgiving: “We always give thanks” (eucharistoumen).  The Greek word eucharist means to give...
Astonished and Amazed

Astonished and Amazed

Many people experience life as boring, a routine sameness that repeats itself season after season. This attitude can even invade our relationship with God. The life of the Jewish people in the times of Jesus was centered around a strict, rigid, rituals in the temple...
A Necessary Tuneup

A Necessary Tuneup

In our gospel from today’s readings, we find a powerful and transformative moment in the life of Jesus. He has returned to his hometown of Nazareth, and on the Sabbath day, he enters the synagogue. As was custom, someone was asked to read. Jesus is handed the scroll...