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Today is the feast of the angels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael.  Angels function as messengers and mediators between God and humans.  Sometimes they function as “accuser” or prosecuting attorney as we hear in today’s first reading from the Book of Revelation: “Now...


We have all heard the saying “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”  The prophet Haggai in today’s first reading challenges some of his fellow Jews who have put off the work of rebuilding the Temple.  “The time has not yet come to rebuild the...
Returning to the Lord

Returning to the Lord

The first readings for the beginning of this week are taken from the Book of Ezra – a book that might not be familiar to you. Here is “the big picture”: The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah are two of the historical books of the Old Testament that tell the story of...
House of God

House of God

Today we begin reading from the Book of Ezra.  The books of Ezra and Nehemiah describe the return of Israel from the Babylonian exile and the rebuilding of the Temple or the House of God in Jerusalem.  The First Temple, built by King Solomon, was destroyed by the...