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Follow Me

Follow Me

Jesus challenges us in today’s Gospel to follow him: “Whoever serves me must follow me.”  We may well ask Jesus, “Follow you where?”  He will give us the answer at the Last Supper as he washes the feet of his disciples.  He will give us the answer when he is “lifted...
Little Faith

Little Faith

In today’s Gospel Jesus upbraids Peter: “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”  Peter, like most of the disciples in the Gospels, moves from moments of great faith to moments of little or no faith.  Peter shows great faith when he gets out of the boat and walks...
At Wit’s End

At Wit’s End

If you have been following along with the daily readings at Mass, you know that the first readings have been following the 12 tribes of Jacob as they escaped slavery in Egypt, received the Ten Commandments, fashioned a golden calf, and spent a lot of time complaining,...


The gospel passage Matthew 13:54-58 offers a profound reflection on the nature of assumptions and the limitations they impose on our understanding and beliefs. In this passage, Jesus returns to his hometown, and the people there are astonished by his wisdom and...