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Unrepentance and Conversion

Unrepentance and Conversion

We have been hearing of Jesus’ activities in the towns along the Sea of Galilee – preaching, teaching, and mighty deeds. In the Gospel Jesus’s marvelous deeds accompany his preaching and clearly show to all who he is – the Messiah. Yet as we see in today’s...


In today’s Gospel Jesus finishes the second of five discourses in Matthew’s Gospel.  The first discourse was the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-7:28).  In this second discourse Jesus commissions his disciples to go out on mission: “Jesus sent out these twelve after...
Farewell Message from Our Pastor

Farewell Message from Our Pastor

Dear Parishioners, The time has come to say farewell.  This is my last weekend at the parish.  I leave for St. Bonaventure University next weekend and will begin my ministry on campus.  I have already been involved in Zoom meetings with the President of the University...
Feast of St. Bonaventure

Feast of St. Bonaventure

Tomorrow is the Feast of St. Bonaventure (July 15). In many ways St. Bonaventure is a Saint for the times in which we live – when divisions are ripe and the unity of a nation is being sorely tested. In the years while St. Francis was alive, the Franciscan Order...


Evangelization is a word we often hear today in the church.  We are called to evangelize.  The word “evangelization” comes from the Greek word for Gospel (Greek: euangelion, Latin: evangelium).  In today’s Gospel Jesus sends the apostles out to evangelize, to proclaim...