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Recently someone remarked to me that sometimes the Catholic Church seems to be a collection of rules just for the sake of rules. I could provide a long list of examples, but I suspect you have in mind your own list of rules that give you pause. Of course, one always...
It’s About Communicating

It’s About Communicating

Butchers sign, ‘Try our sausages, None like them’.  Tailors guarantee, if the smallest hole appears after six months wear, we will make another one absolutely free. Lost, a small pony belonging to a young lady with a silver mane and tail.  Warning at a safari park,...


Today’s Gospel reading continues this past Sunday’s Gospel.  John 14 is Jesus’ Farewell Discourse.  He tells his disciples that he is going away but that he will always be with them to guide them.  The disciples have sorrow and perhaps even despair as they hear of...

Evident to us

Our first reading today is taken from the 1st missionary trip of St. Barnabas and St. Paul. In Acts 13 and 14, the intrepid disciples go from Asia Minor to Cyprus, back to the mainland at Antioch, and other nearby cities. They met success, resistance, and out-and-out...
Word of Exhortation

Word of Exhortation

In today’s first reading we hear Paul preaching in the synagogue in Antioch of Pisidia.  Much like our Eucharist, this synagogue service begins with the “reading of the law and the prophets.”  Paul is then invited to preach, that is to give a “word of exhortation.” ...